
Shed. Day 2 of journaling the time between…

Shed. Describe what you intend to leave behind in 2023.

This prompt makes me visualize a literal backyard shed. When I close my eyes and think about it, I think of my 2023 shed as being weather beaten and unkempt. But the shed is in good shape. It just needs some care and attention to be a beautiful little garden shed covered in lively vines.

2023 was a busy year but here, at the conclusion, I am carrying a lighter load. Having finished my degree work, I feel like I am entering 2024 with space for something new. I intend to fill it with something joyful, maybe adventure or travel?

I intend to leave behind the pressure I felt internally and externally. I want to slow my pace and enjoy life without a constant deadline hanging over me. I want to shed some of the unrealistic expectations that I place on myself. For example, constantly seeking approval or external reinforcement. I want to stop trying to keep everyone happy and begin to pursue the things that make me feel joyful. I wish to leave behind all that does not serve me, all that is heavy and weighing me down.


Day 1. Journaling the time between.

Pause. Take an inventory of your feelings today.

Today was not a traditional day that was conducive to a pause. Christmas landed on a Monday this year and I returned to work immediately for a regular Tuesday workday. At first I thought it didn’t feel right, maybe I needed the day off for a pause. But in reality I feel like going back to work was the structure that I needed after the chaos of the holiday.

Today, I feel tired but satisfied. The holiday had moments of chaos, but there were also moments of calm. My daughter is a little bit older now and doesn’t wake up at the crack of dawn to rush to open gifts. My partner and I were able to enjoy some coffee in the quiet while we waited for the children to wake up. We even exchanged gifts before the kids were awake. It was nice to be able to spend this quiet time connecting with each other. My daughter woke up first and she was excited but did not pressure to open gifts. She started on the small gifts in her stocking before her brother woke up, my partner and I were able to spend time with just her, and it was wonderful. My son is three and he was excited about the presents, but still a bit mystified. There was no mad rush to open the gifts, he simply worked on them (with assistance) one at a time and demonstrated an appreciation and excitement for each new item revealed. The morning, spent together with out four-person nuclear family was calm and joyful.

Christmas breakfast was an entirely different experience. Getting together with my parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews is chaos, but a happy buzzing kind of chaos. Once the kids were all through their gifts, the adults exchanged. I am thankful for this tradition because I love to demonstrate my love for my family through gifts and acts of service. I also feel overwhelmingly loved and taken care of in return.

We visit my partners family also. Reflecting on this makes me somewhat melancholy when I think of all of the different stops we would have on the holidays. Many of those family members have passed and traditions have changed. From 4-5 stops to just one. But I am grateful for the memories and for the continued opportunity to visit.

In the evening, my partner and I took time to go through some of the gifts and put them away. This left the living area relatively clean and clutter free. While this took some time, I think not having to come home to a cluttered living area allows for a feeling of peace, especially after a work day.

As I pause and reflect on my holiday and on my feelings, I realize that there is room for happiness and sadness. I can feel a range of feelings when I do not indulge the feelings of chaos and stress that could typically follow a holiday. I am holding space for the past and enjoying my present. I feel fulfilled and at peace today.


The time between…

There are times in life that feel otherworldly. Almost unreal. In my opinion, this includes the time between the holidays and the new year. This year I wanted to journal through the time between. Join me for these daily prompts if you wish. I look forward to discovering my intentions for 2024 during the time between. Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/2ndhandspirited/ for the daily prompts, also available below.

Beginning December 26, I will post a daily prompt each morning through the new year.
The time between the holidays and the new year often has a restlessness about it. The feelings from the holidays linger and blend with feelings toward the future. This can be a time of overwhelming emotion. Join me for daily journaling during the time between. Each day will include a prompt. You are encouraged to interpret the prompt in any way you feel comfortable. You can use the single word, art journal, or even free writing. This is an activity meant to help ease us from the chaos of the holidays and into the new year.